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Transvaginal Ultrasound

A transvaginal ultrasound is an important female fertility assessment for many patients

Reaching the right infertility diagnosis is the key to developing an effective treatment plan. Susan Hudson MD of Texas Fertility Center uses several tools to conduct a female fertility assessment. One of them is a transvaginal ultrasound. This exam allows our New Braunfels fertility doctor to view your reproductive organs, including your uterus and ovaries. Doing so can provide vital information about your health and fertility.

How does this female fertility assessment work?

When you visit our New Braunfels fertility doctor, you will start by discussing your medical history and family building goals. Dr. Hudson will also order bloodwork and a transvaginal ultrasound as a part of your female fertility assessment.

A reproductive sonographer will perform your ultrasound and then share the results with Dr. Hudson. To start the exam, you will lie on a table and the sonographer will gently place a lubricated ultrasound probe into the vagina. The ultrasound probe will use sound waves to create clear images of your reproductive organs on a nearby monitoring screen.

The ultrasound itself only takes a few minutes, and it is typically a painless procedure. However, you may feel some pressure from the ultrasound probe. After this female fertility assessment, you can resume your normal activities that day.

What is the purpose of a transvaginal ultrasound?

As a diagnostic tool, the goal of this type of ultrasound is to check your uterus for the presence of fibroids and polyps as well as assess your ovaries for cysts. It also allows Dr. Hudson to perform an antral follicle count. This count can tell her more about your ovarian reserve, also known as your egg supply.

Our New Braunfels fertility doctor will also likely order this type of ultrasound once you begin fertility treatment. There are several reasons why Dr. Hudson may use a transvaginal ultrasound during your treatment.

  • Ensure that you haven’t developed any ovarian cysts.
  • Check the thickness of your endometrial lining.
  • Assess the growth of your egg-containing follicles while you take fertility medications.

Dr. Hudson also uses ultrasound technology to help guide her while she performs an egg retrieval procedure as a part of in vitro fertilization (IVF) or egg freezing.

If you would like to learn more about why you’re struggling to conceive, Dr. Hudson can help. Contact us today to schedule an appointment so that you can get the answers and treatment you need to welcome a healthy baby.